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SBS Natural Program Breaks Review

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It is demonstrably the case that it was never intended SBS take an overly flexible approach to ‘natural program breaks’. If an advertisement were placed or forced in a program contrary to a program creator’s (and the creative team’s) original intentions, it cannot be said such break in program is genuinely ‘natural’. SBS’s overly broad approach stands in marked contrast to formulations and understandings that exist across the industry and various jurisdictions.

What was intended by the parliament legislating SBS could place ads in ‘natural program breaks’ and what does

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End In-Program Ads On SBS

EMAIL SBS HERE telling them a ‘natural program break’ means the break at the end of a program only, and to put that in their Codes of Practice. If it’s not in their Codes, the regulator, ACMA, cannot enforce a breach. SBS removed the definition in 2006. This is needed to stop SBS interrupting programs for ads and act like a public broadcaster again.

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Email your MP & Senators to #GetExcessiveCommercialBreaksOffSBS

It will help if you say why you want SBS to have fewer breaks interrupting programs. Send your email from the following screen to get excessive commercial breaks off SBS.


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Facebook post. Twitter post.





Email SBS board of directors & politicians to #GetExcessiveCommercialBreaksOffSBS

It will help if you say why you want SBS to have fewer breaks interrupting programs. Send your email from the following screen to get excessive commercial breaks off SBS.


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Facebook post. Twitter post.





Get Excessive Commercial Breaks Off SBS

Join the movement to Get Excessive Commercial Breaks Off SBS by emailing the SBS Chair & Board directly from here. SBS’s disruptive commercial breaks are not just annoying but have shifted its focus. Our multicultural broadcaster presents as a shadow of its former self. Remember when it was unique with ads before and after programs only? It’s time we demanded a better SBS, one with fewer in-program breaks and one that is socially responsible again. Act now, before it’s far too late!

Click here to read the full story . . .

SBS hour logged with 50 percent more ads than allowed

SBS appears to have 50 percent more advertising in some primetime hours than the SBS Act permits according to a series of findings carried out by Save Our SBS from 2009 to 2020.

Promos were not counted. Nor were classification announcements, community service announcements, sponsor billboards and sponsored promos.

Under section 45* of the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 advertising is limited to “not more than 5 minutes in any hour of broadcasting”. Promos do not count as an advertisement and the Act excludes them from counting in the 5 minute hourly cap*.


Click here to read the full story . . .

End COVID For All

COVID-19 could push over 70 million people around the world into extreme poverty – and we all need to play our part!

In Australia, SBS has been informing communities on SBS Radio and in 63 languages in print at the SBS coronavirus portal. This is an amazing service.

But now Save Our SBS is asking you look further afield and pledge support to End COVID For All.

Many of our neighbours around the world are ill-equipped to deal with a pandemic.

So it’s

Click here to read the full story . . .

Two question poll: SBS children’s TV

A government initiated Options paper proposes SBS be obligated to broadcast or stream a quota of children’s TV. We’d like to hear your views.

Take the TWO question poll below and leave a comment below that too.

SBS is not currently required to carry programs for children but if it were, do you agree or disagree that––

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Get gambling off SBS

Save Our SBS has long called for a total ban of all betting and gambling advertisements on SBS. The Alliance for Gambling Reform shares Save Our SBS’s concerns and in its End Gambling Ads campaign is petitioning to get gambling off SBS and put community health ahead of gambling revenue. We urge you to sign the petition below. 

DONATE here     

Facebook post. Twitter post. #EndGamblingAds

Click here to read the full story . . .

Are you the next SBS Managing Director?

The SBS Board is looking for a new Managing Director. Could it be you?

The official SBS advertisement for this position appears much lower down this screen.  

Save Our SBS – supporters & friends of SBS – believe that in addition to good management skills, it is very important that SBS find someone with a strong public broadcasting ethos – who puts viewers before advertisers – and is committed to SBS scheduling niche and diverse multicultural and multilingual Charter focused content, especially in primetime, so it is noticeably different from the ABC and commercial media.

We want

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Does SBS encroach in the commercial sphere?

This short survey seeks your views about SBS. The data collected will provide important statistics for a Save Our SBS submission to an inquiry examining SBS: its role and the way in which it competes or doesn’t with other media.

It will take about 3 to 7 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey may help shape the future and your thoughtfulness in completing the survey and informing your friends to take part is much appreciated.

Your answers will be anonymous and privacy assured. Please scroll down to commence the survey.  


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Government backs down on SBS advertising Bill

Former SBS World News Australia presenter, Mary Kostakidis and Save Our SBS today thanked thousands of ordinary people who opposed a government Bill to further commercialise SBS.

Save Our SBS President, Steve Aujard said, "The government has killed the Bill. The Minister’s Office phoned me a short while ago."

Ms Kostakidis said, "We are pleased the government has listened to SBS viewers; all were strongly opposed to the Bill.

"We now call on the custodians of SBS to also take note of viewer concerns and wipe out in-program commercial breaks. The idea that a public broadcaster

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Advertising bill will manoeuvre SBS away from its Charter obligations

by Mary Kostakidis

The relentless push to further commercialise SBS has been ramped up yet again with SBS management and government set on increasing advertising within programs. This destructive policy will ultimately make the public broadcaster – SBS – indistinguishable from mainstream commercial television.

Not only will advertising be more intrusive, it will also increasingly become the driver of programming decisions and the public broadcaster will continue to be manoeuvred away from its Charter obligations.

When SBS first accepted limited advertising between programs, both the Managing Director and then Communications Minister told me this would not result

Click here to read the full story . . .

Preserve our media diversity: Don’t turn SBS into Australia’s fourth commercial TV network


SURVEY: Is SBS doing it right?

This comprehensive survey seeks your views on SBS advertising, Charter, programming, relevance, and more. It will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey may help shape the future and your thoughtfulness in completing the survey and informing your friends to take part is much appreciated.
