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Save Our SBS Inc is governed by a Committee of Management in accordance with the Save Our SBS Inc Rules 2013 (as amended 2016) regulated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. The Save Our SBS Inc Committee members are listed here.

The Save Our SBS Committee Member Position Description is here.

A current financial Full Member (not Associate) may self nominate to be on the Committee.

Nominations to be voted onto the Committee must be in writing, received no later than 28 days before a general meeting in which members may vote to determine the makeup of the Committee. 

To self nominate, send an email here with your member number, contact phone numbers (not for publication), and your full name with a short piece of text – which we may copy and provide publicly to other members – explaining why you want to be on the Committee and your skills or background if relevant. Keep your text to less than 150 words please. This text along with your name will assist voting members in casting their vote.

A biography about you with your face picture may be published on the Committee webpage if you become a member of the Committee.