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Two question poll: SBS children’s TV

A government initiated Options paper proposes SBS be obligated to broadcast or stream a quota of children’s TV. We’d like to hear your views.

Take the TWO question poll below and leave a comment below that too.

SBS is not currently required to carry programs for children but if it were, do you agree or disagree that––

This poll opens soon.
1) Full funding ought to be provided to SBS so it can present multicultural, multiethnic, and Indigenous programs for children without reliance on advertising.
Total Votes : 2781
This poll opens soon.
2) In the event that children’s programs were to be sponsored, all advertising in or around children’s programs on SBS ought to be very tightly regulated, and averaging not more than one commercial break for every 30 minutes of program time.
Total Votes : 2736

More information at the Save Our SBS Australian content and children’s TV on SBS — a submission to the Supporting Australian stories on our screens–Options paper

Your comments are welcome below.

186 comments to Two question poll: SBS children’s TV

  • Chaya

    I only watch SBS and ABC. I love SBS movie channel

  • Robert van de Graaff

    SBS and the ABC are the only two TV stations that have worthwhile and reliable news and cultural programs. All other stations have to worry about advertisers and can never investigate public interest issues.

  • Barbara Baird

    SBS would be a great platform for children’s tv – and probably best able to speak to all children.
    Advertising should be absoultely minimal and carefully monitored.
    And SBS can only produce children’s tv if fully funded to do so

  • Veronica Husted

    The SBS is a wonderful platform for children from all walks of life, all races and all ages.
    how many people out there know that it was actually put in place by John Howard, a Liberal Prime Minister and yet it is Liberals who keep trying to pull it down. Leave such outlets as SBS and ABC alone! They are the only channels i watch.

    Veronica Husted

    [Editor’s correction: It was Malcolm Fraser, Liberal PM, who established SBS-TV after Gough Whitlam, Labor PM, who established 2EA & 3EA – SBS Radio. Generally Malcolm Fraser is regarded as the PM who established SBS].

  • Margaret Evensen

    If advertising revenue is needed for children’s TV, maybe only allow ads for fruit, vegetables,
    cheese, meat, milk, etc. ie only unprocessed food.

  • Greg Noonan

    Re the issue of sponsorship of children’s programs careful tyought would need to be given to the sponsor. Providers of ‘junk’ and other unhealthy sugar loaded products should be avoided.
    Best soluation would be to have no sponsors at all!!

  • Marnie

    The commercial channels are very low quality for both adults & children. Not worth watching. Children’s programs are a must on both the ABC & SBS/NITV. Advertising is inappropriate for children’s programs but certainly no more than a single break per 30 minutes & needs to be very strictly regulated (no junk food, inappropriate/dangerous toys). Only sponsors promoting healthy eating (fruits, vegetables), sport for health. Inclusive Australian cultural content appealing to a range of ethnicities should be a must. Our children should be protected from self-interested sponsors at all costs.

  • Nizza Siano

    if the government is going to require SBS to carry children’s programs, SBS must be fully funded for that. It is well positioned to carry multicultural, multi-ethnic and Indigenous children’s content. However, it needs extra funds for that. The additional funding would also go a long way to employing many people and stimulating the economy. Everyone wins!

  • whykickamoo350

    Conservative governments and their supporters are always complaining about the “burden” of “multi-cultural” and “Indigenous” programming, and too easily lend an ear towards the demands of commercial broadcasters who will never be satisfied until they own or control everything.

    Free-to-air high-quality public broadcasting for children, especially in regional, remote and rural areas (from where the Coalition partner of the LNP garners the vast majority of its votes…), is critical in a child’s early/formative years to develop cultural awareness and confidence as a member of their community (I am writing this as a middle-aged white man who is a lifelong city dweller…but it seems obvious to me).

    Information (real, quality learning experiences tailored to the audience) are critical to improving children’s educational opportunities.

    Perhaps quality children’s television produced by public broadcasters is expensive, but all television is expensive, and we will reap many times the dollars invested in early childhood education – it is not an extravagance but ‘mission-critical’.

    Guaranteed funding enables children’s TV producers to design content, with confidence that they will not have to divert resources to continuing fights for expenditure allocations.

    I agree that as painful as this medical crisis has been, we have to seize opportunities to position children educationally as best as we can so that they can emerge with confidence and contribute to society as we move into this highly-challenging Century.

    We should never assume from what corner of this nation our brightest minds will come, and we will need them all.

    If we neglect communities that can be reached so easily now because of digital transmission options available, we really will only have ourselves as a community to blame.

    Commercial operators are demonstrably not in the TV production business to provide the highest quality content for children for the betterment of society. They are there, first and foremost, to make a profit and a dividend for investors. That is not a criticism, just basic facts.

    We can’t afford to lose this opportunity to invest in guaranteed broadcasting by the public broadcasters specifically for children’s content.

    I would be prepared to suffer fewer options as an adult viewer of the public broadcasters, for example, if that would guarantee funding for children’s programming, including ensuring that the least amount of advertising is inflicted upon children (which I think should be avoided as a high priority).

  • Maurice Wilkinson

    Children should not be encouraged to go anywhere near commercial TV channels or Pay TV. SBS should be fully funded to ensure there are no advertisements on or near children’s programmes. It should also be funded so that there are no advertisements on any SBS channels. I have long given up watching SBS free to air because of the advertisements, and I am close to doing the same with SBS on Demand, which will just leave me with ABC and IView.

  • Stuart Hodgson

    The new movie channel is sensational; please keep it up. Perhaps SBS could devote another channel to children’s material. It would be much better than what’s currently available.
    We abhor commercials and go rushing for the mute button whenever they appear. We used to dash off for
    We record all programmes from stations that broadcast commercials, play them back later and fast forward the interruptions.
    At least for children, SBS could go back to ad breaks only between shows. But better of course if there weren’t any.
    Can anyone reading this remember ever actually buying anything advertised on TV? We honestly can’t.

  • Ann ten Seldam

    If we are to ever reduce the gap for indigenous children they must have access to free culturally appropriate shows.
    If there must be advertising then it should be very carefully selected i.e. no junk food or junk toys.

  • Betty Knight

    SBS is so important and just as important as the ABC and therefore should be fully and appropriately funded

  • Patricia Summers

    Even though I don’t have children I feel strongly about the issues in the poll. Children are our future adults and the quality of their viewing should be of paramount importance to the whole community.

  • Wendy Dickeson

    It it most important for SBS to provide an excellent children’s program for all children. One without sponsorship would be preferable.
    Wendy Dickeson

  • SBS should be front and centre of the news services.

    At a time when good fearless reporting is under threat the need is even greater.

    Providing comprehensive, multicultural programmes for children is where it should start.

  • Jeanette DOLMAN


  • Ghislaine

    It wouldn’t hurt to have children’s programs from other countries. Our kids are very insular when it comes to knowledge about other cultures and languages. But the parents are the ones with the remote control. It will require some training to switch them away from American programs for kids…

  • Anne Gates

    First of all, SBS should not be using Facebook.
    SBS should be funded to make quality children’s programs that are free to all children in this country, and without advertising.
    Good SBS programs in English language could be exported to other countries, in return for their good programs in other languages. Perhaps SBS could ‘value add’ to make these programs suitable
    for English as well as non-English-speaking children in this country.

  • Sheila Ferguson

    There should be no advertising within programs on children’s TV. I rarely watch anything but ABC and SBS. As I said when SBS introduced ads within programs I refuse to be forced to watch adverts. So I record anything I want to watch on SBS and fast forward through the ads. Children probably can’t do this.

  • Rosemary Longhurst

    Like many other responders I watch ABC and SBS exclusively, mostly recorded to avoid the ads. I have grandkids whose watching is similarly monitored, thank goodness.
    The international success of programmes such as Bluey shows there is a world market for well-made Aussie material for kids so investment can be well worthwhile without recourse to ads.

  • Fiona

    Fully funded, quality childrens’ programming without any form of commercial imperative is needed more than ever as families suffer greater financial constraints due to post-COVID-19 unemployment/underemployment. Many more families won’t have access to quality childcare or early childhood education which is fundamental to childrens’ optimal development at school and future success in their lives, including their future contributions to society.

  • Charles Schembri

    SBS is the only channel that offers a window on the whole world with its rich diversity of cultures, instead of focusing on one particular corner, a carbon copy of which we are at risk of becoming. Diversity should be nurtured as the only means of attaining maturity, mutual understanding and acceptance, essential for attaining a self-concept of Australia that is unique and that defines us as a nation.

  • Carla van Raay

    This should not even be a question. Children’s programmes on SBS are a basic right, to be presented without frequent interruptions or inappropriate advertising.

  • Milan Foll

    My wife and I watch ABC and SBS almost exclusively, ABC Iview and SBS On demand included. The commercial stations are just old repeat programs propping up the commercials.
    Minimal to no adds for children’s programs, thank you.

  • Ian Overheu

    I only watch SBS and ABC too. Anthony Albanese describes the Liberals cuts to funding as “vandalism”. I agree with him on that issue.

  • Peter

    SBS and the ABC are the best channels. Both channels provide much are better content than the rubbish shown on commercial TV channels.

  • John Willis

    My wife and I only watch SBS and ABC. The Liberals have cut funding because they can’t abide honest justifiable criticism. Why don’t you shame them by asking viewers to support you by making cash donations. I would be prepared to pay to watch SBS and ABC.
    (Actually, when ABC have to run repeats because of lack of funds, we do sometimes watch Seven Two because they run old BBC programs which are so good that we can tolerate the adds.)

  • Quillpower1

    Our independent high-IQ broadcasters have always been endangered, hopefully but inadequately protected from extinction by government plundering with a charter forbidding advertisements and guaranteeing government funding. But SBS was forced over to the dark side by funding cuts: be dumped like Radio Australia or accept adverts between programs. Between? Huh! Trust no-one! Adverts are why SBS is tolerated, unlike the ABC, and why SBS is being forced to take over the dying ABC’s children’s programs. LOW-IQ, LYING GOVERNMENTS CARE FOR NOTHING they can’t monetize. NOT EVEN CHILDREN. Submissions won’t alter that. They naively think that SBS/ABC fans are too old, too ethnic, and far too few to VOTE THEM OUT. Is that right? I don’t think so. Join Friends of the ABC to restore fully funded, intelligent, fearless broadcasting. That’s the only way those complacent, knuckle-dragging politicians will ever evolve.

  • Adrian Caon

    The ABC and SBS are vital public services that impartially inform, educate and entertain citizens. All governments must restore funding to adequate levels so that they be free of commercial and political interests. Advertising from the corporate/business sector is extremely pervasive in the late capitalism present, and the people ask and deserve respite.

  • MeeWun Lee

    We are the advanced democratic clever country. So why are we having to cop cuts to our national broadcasters?
    Full funding for SBS please – well, at least for children’s programs. I am already annoyed at ads currently on SBS but understand that they had to do it. So definitely, there should be no ads whatsoever during children’s programs.

  • Beryl Ford

    The ABC and SBS are the only institutions who’s purpose is to educate and entertain without monetary gain or bias. The media can and is used to manipulate and pressure viewers into particular thinking and purchasing patterns and children are not excluded from this. In a world where monopoly(particularly media) and all the power that goes with it is on the increase the role of these institutions is more than ever crucial and the scope of their cultural and investigative programming is second to none. Funding is being drained by this and previous governments. It is time the funding is restored so they can continue to be all we have come to expect from our wonderful SBS and ABC.

  • E. Morgan

    It is all so obvious! I wonder why this should be under discussion and why so much effort is required to bring such programmes about. The ABC and SBS provide such valuable service to the entire Australian community far and wide.

  • Children’s TV should be to open children’s minds to the world around with imaginative and creative programming in many languages. It should not be used to turn them into little consumers.

  • Brian Eagle

    Given that the ABC has a full-time Children’s TV channel, that is where some provision should be made for ethnic minorities and aboriginal families. In proportion to the percentage of the population they make up – 3% for ATSI people, isn’t it?

    I believe we are seeing the worst mix of content right across TV at present, including SBS and the ABC. Violence, darkness, dysfunctional families and people. Countless repetition of past programs.

    In this time of the Coronavirus pandemic and physical distancing, we need more community-building shows, happier and more positive content, and shows which emphasise the good aspects of human beings and their behaviour. Brighten up our lives.

    So – decrease the number of channels in SBS and increase the Quality of content.

  • Dr Richard Gates

    Both SBS and ABC must be appropriately funded from the public purse more so now than ever because of the impact of the SARS virus on society and its institutions. All kids need good programs unfettered or corrupted by advertising.

  • Veronica

    SBS looks like an ideal setting for children’s television programs, also for the younger teens group. Such programs would model multi culturalism and social diversity. Advertising could also be carefully selected to promote healthy living.

  • Philip Rice

    Forcing ABC/SBS to pursue advertising to stay on air doesn’t stack up.

    The lobbyists for commercial interests don’t realise they will lose advertising income if the ABC/SBS start having to run advertising to remain viable.

  • Viiu

    We need to see more Aboriginal children’s programs, not only for Aboriginal people but for ALL of us. There is a rich wealth and breadth if knowledge and history and a view on life that benefits us all, especially our young ones.

    If there must be ads, then no more frequently than 30 minutes and carefully regulated so they do not negatively affect and manipulate the minds of our children.

  • Marilyn Long

    Totally agree that ABC and SBS are the only stations worth watching on TV. I am not indigenous but enjoy some NITV programmes – I loved The Beach as it was so beautiful and like a meditation.

  • John D Wilson

    It is interesting that Coalition governments, since 1996 all have had this United States based ideology that the user pays. I find it particularly galling as it contradicts their Christian belief in and obligation to look after the poor, needy, sick and injured. I think they like many large business owners worship money instead. A contradiction of public versus private belief. A hypocrisy? Or just doing what the most influential say?

  • jin

    We watch SBS n ABC only and they do very good in keeping Australia best multicultural country…

  • totaram

    It is a myth that ” ordinary taxpayers” will fund such activities. The government gets enough money as royalties and taxes for extracting minerals from the ground. Surely this money can be used for funding SBS and the ABC instead of funding useless monuments, and likely obsolete armaments.

  • Judy Kenworthy

    We only watch SBS and ABC. We thoroughly enjoy many foreign films on SBS, also like the website to let me know what’s coming.

  • Paul

    I actually couldn’t think of what would I watch if SBS wasn’t available.

  • S. Lacey

    I only watch SBS and ABC the other channels are rubbish. If I had my way I would cut back the ads on SBS to on the hour only!!!! These two channels both need more funding. Sylvia

  • Kate

    Already SBS has annoying , disruptive ads. Children’s TV should not have such breaks in continuity as it can distract. ABC and SBS provide crucial services to all Australians and should be properly funded.

  • Charles Pace

    If we lose SBS and ABC at least I will save money on a TV – ie I will get rid of it !!!

    Dear Government – just fund these 2 stations appropriately without them having to rely on ads – get on with it

  • Jim KABLE

    SBS/NITV and the ABC – immediate increase in funding is required but will not come from the present LNP/IPA-led philistines who are there only to deliver public money to their mates (see Murray & Frijters Game of Mates UQP 2017). Patricia Edgar is the guru on Children’s Television and should be consulted. As for commercial TV – largely rubbish – their overload of “reality” is totally unreal and just-off-screen manufactured conflict (to keep the voyeuristic interest of the dumbed-down audiences) – check the recently published Rutger Bregman – Humankind: A Hopeful History! Funding for Kids’ TV vital – but I don’t hold out hopes from the present mob in Canberra!

  • Ian and Pat

    The SBS and ABC are the only channels which we watch due to their content and reliability. The only channels which provide reliable news and current affairs.
    An absolute disgrace that this Government has reduced funding to public broadcasting.

  • Frank

    My wife and I watch ABC and SBS television on the majority. Mostly if nothing appealing on ABC or SBS, we switch off the TV and listen to local ABC radio. There are very few programs on the commercial channels we find are worth watching. Their commercial “breaks” seem to go on forever with some times the same commercials being repeated.

  • Ian and Pat

    The SBS and ABC are the only channels which we watch due to their content and reliability. The only channels which provide reliable news and current affairs.
    An absolute disgrace that this Government has reduced funding to public broadcasting.

  • Joy Lee

    We do so need the SBS and ABC for this multicultural, multiethnic society to remain informed. The commercial channels are just that channels for airing commercial advertising with minimal programming to keep the customers coming back. With a Prime Minister whose background is in the smoke-and-mirrors world of advertising it is hardly surprising that the current funding difficulties have arisen. Of course if the ABC and SBS would sell their soul to the advertising industry, the problem would cease to exist.

  • Dr Coral Wynter

    I watched the children’s program Thalu. It was wonderful, great series for all children, such diversity and imagination. This must continue. I only watch SBS ABC and NITV

  • Michael Powell

    The verification for this comment requires a solution to a simple “math”. It is MATHS in this country, and this way you know we are an Australian human and not American. This is not to disparage the USA or Americans but it is very important for us to have the integrity and self respect to be ourselves, with due respect to ALL other cultures, as represented within multicultural Australia.

    The commercial media are run for profit so cannot help but be influenced by financial and ideological considerations in all their operations. Proper funding for both SBS and ABC would allow for programs that reflect a wider and more humanitarian outlook, more likely to reflect the full scope of life and culture. This is particularly important for children’s education, which helps establish the foundations of each person’s life.

  • Sally Munson

    I’m currently living in New Zealand and it does not have a national broadcaster. Every channel is commercial and full of advertising, and therefore can’t say what needs to be said. New Zealand is the poorer for this. Do not allow SBS & the ABC to be degraded – they are both very important and necessary impartial voices.

  • DeQuincey

    "… SBS be obligated to …"

    In Australia we use the English word obliged. Obligated is ugly USian usage from low German.

    [Editor’s note: obligated is the correct and intended word. Obligated to be morally or legally bound to do something. Obliged means to be in debt of gratitude because of a previous favour or service.]

  • Nyanda Smith

    Through high-quality children’s programming SBS can provide a key educational service to our diverse community. This can go a long way to progress social outcomes such as Closing the Gap.

  • Mick Abberley

    Because this pathetic government is unable to find a satisfactory way of being able to use our national broadcaster as its’ electronic propaganda organ, the only solution is therefore to slowly choke it to death by denying it funding. This is how democracy now works here in Australia and is something we should all be truly concerned about.
    SBS and the ABC are the only worthwhile and trustworthy TV and radio broadcasters in this country and should be left totally free from political interference and punishment for refusing to be blackmailed into conforming to a particular political ideology.
    What has been happening to our national broadcaster under this present government is absolutely outrageous and if allowed to continue, marks the beginning of some very dark times ahead for so-called democracy in this country.

  • Fiona Press

    My nine year old niece and I watched Thalu together. I am Anglo Australian and she has Indigeneous heritage of which she is aware but of which she has no knowledge. Without expressing it, she is cleraly looking for her roots and a sense of belonging. Thalu started to deliver this to her. She saw children like herself and now has a nascent understanding of the place and history of Aboriginal people in this land. Australia cannot afford to tie this kind of learning and the concomitant personal and social benefit to the vagaries of advertising and commercial interest. Corporations have no interest in my niece’s experience, only in her single parent’s spending power. The two are mutually exclusive. Advertising can never serve or deliver quality children’s content.

  • Gordon Wilson

    As mentioned by others, the ABC and to some contemporary extent SBS are the only channels worth much. We call the others ‘rubbish channels’ and they are usually not worth watching most of the time.

    SBS unfortunately, has ‘gone downhill’ since advertisements started.

    They do not even have the courtesy to viewers of noting when an ad starts.

    We frequently get confused in a programme when, with really no warning, an ad starts and for a little while we think it’s still the programme we are watching! At least ITV in the UK had the courtesy to show “End of Part One” or something like that. I do not know if this is still the case but it should be mandated.

    SBS and ABC will be further compromised because investigative media, despite their warts, are not liked by large sections of the ‘top end of town’ and their chums in mainly, the LNP and organisations like the military and the police. ‘Commercial’ channels would never ‘do’ a “Moonlight State” expose for example. I fear for both organisations as we ‘do a mini China’ with regard to open-ness and an unhindered media.

  • sandra

    As it stands there are too many ads on SBS.
    It should be better funded by the government.
    Slashing funding from ABC and SBS is irresponsible when
    they are the only two stations with genuine news.

  • Robert Humphrys

    I too only watch SBS & ABC. For the future of democracy in Australia we need both & for both to be properly funded

  • Patrizia Bertozzi

    In my humble opinion, advertising should be removed from all SBS programming, and definitely not included in children’s programming. What’s more, both SBS and the ABC should receive guaranteed healthy budget funding from our taxes in order to maintain their excellent programming as they are the public independent voice of Australia. Their independent voice should be treasured and not undermined by myopic and paranoid governments incapable of sustaining healthy criticism! The original decision to cut funding and force SBS to take on advertising is a reflection of Australia’s inherent racism as it has never felt comfortable with funding public programming designed to embrace and celebrate our multicultural identity, let alone value the greatness of our indigenous heritage. It’s about time our politicians grew up and acted like the wise and forward thinking adults voters expect them to be and realised the importance of supporting both SBS and the ABC in their essential role of culturally, artistically, politically, socially and intellectually nurturing our country.

  • Vivien Smith

    Sorry – can’t think of anything original to say

  • rowe morrow

    You must absolutely save the SBS and the ABC. There is nothing or no one else who will tell us the truth, and amuse us and teach us. Children will grow up knowing a better world.
    Our politicians are so sadly ignorant of how we think and feel.
    Thank you for the chance to speak up.

  • Pol O'Shea

    SBS and ABC are crucial to the identity of Australia. All the rest are Bogan Americana junk, with beat up entertainment as ‘news’, and vested interest opinion and misinformation.

  • Rod Watson

    SBS & ABC should be fully funded by the Federal Government. Only in this way can we be assured of total objectivity.

  • Robert

    Stop giving tax money to rich CEO and companies that don’t pay tax, and spend it on us the people

  • Peter Woodhams

    As people have noted above a fully funded SBS and ABC is essential to an emerging Australian identity that acknowledges our first peoples and their past and present cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as that of the successive waves of people from around the world who call this country home. This funding should be free of the constraints imposed on them by advertisers so they can deliver independent, culturally diverse and contemporary programming that explores the full spectrum of experiences that build our identity. If any advertising was to be present it should be designed to build strong communities, not mindless consumers. For example the gambling (Sportsbet) adverts are, in my opinion, aggressive, almost bullying and seem to me to be ethically bankrupt. Advertising guidelines if they must be there should be founded on social justice, equity and community building.

  • Peter Davis

    SBS & ABC provide invaluable service to the whole Australian community. The annoying AD breaks, now even during SBS news, are not something young children should be subjected to during kids programs.

  • Paul Leadbeater

    All channels have their own kids programmes on TV, but some channels have far too many kids programmes!!
    I am sure that even kids, would not want to watch all of them!!!

  • Larissa Bergmann

    We need a fully funded SBS as it at least has programs for our culturally diverse community. The programs are varied and objective and not influenced by the advertisers.

  • Cherie

    ABC and SBS are needed more than ever to provide the information people need to make informed decisions. They will be even more needed in the future for those who don’t have computers, can’t afford pay-TV, or are not on social media. Children’s attention spans are not enhanced by advertising in their programs (not to mention those of adults).

  • Sally

    Both SBS and the ABC must be fully funded. The essential roles played in supporting informed participation in a healthy democracy and a robust and rich cultural identity, as stated in the charter and other documents absolutely must be recognised by elected leaders independent of political ideologies.

  • Pam

    I agree and support all comments above. ABC and SBS are the only stations I watch. I believe both should be fully funded as they are crucial for maintaining our ‘cultural diversity’ as well as our film and TV industries. Commercial stations have too much US content and that’s a direction that would be tragic for our children (and viewers in general) if it is allowed to continue.
    If there are to be ads around children’s programs they should be strictly controlled, eg: no junk food, gambling, ads with aggressive undertones:
    a) aggressively telling people to wait 14 hours before they can go to the toilet on an aeroplane and
    b) aggressively throwing items out of a cupboard when a man goes to get a packet to eat.


    It’s so encouraging to read this list of comments from educated, concerned SBS/ABC watchers. I agree with those who deplore advertising for children. However, if it means the difference between children’s programs and none – then please demand ads with some educational content, eg: healthy foods and where/how they are grown, toys that encourage creativity, dolls of different skin colour, hair type, and ethnic features, and so on.

  • Johanna

    I also only watch SBS and ABC on TV and on demande, iview.

  • Keith Hartley Ellis

    Only watch ABC and SBS but not happy with the increasing number of second rate American programs. Both should be fully funded by Govt. Children 12 and under should not be subjected to advertising of any sort

  • Ric Raymond

    Thank goodness for the investigative, informed, evidenced based, socially responsible, environmentally aware, educational and humanist efforts and mission of OUR SBS and OUR ABC!

  • Judith Rafferty

    SBS and the ABC are vital community services and should be fully funded by the federal government. SBS has unfortunately been forced to accept advertising which is detrimental to the quality of its programming. Advertising to support children’s programs is not acceptable.

  • Pauline Garde

    Is it a coincidence that the Government is letting the commercial stations cut children’s programming at the same time it is looking to SBS to fill the gap?

  • Helen Petros

    I rely on both the ABC and SBS services for truth, diversity, respecting and acknowledging First Nations History as well as drilling into and giving the oldest surviving culture in the world voice for Self Determination.

    I value their wonderfully comprehensive news service.

    Federal funding must be given to the ABC and SBS as they are both an essential service for All Australians.

    Children are not for sale,they are not an industry but must be valued, protected, nurtured, listened to, respected and given the very best opportunity to be stimulated, make discoveries, experiment, imagine, investigate and learn.

    The formative years shape the future individual.

    Children are facing a very challenging world not of their making and therefore their well-being is even more paramount and important.

  • Elizabeth

    I would prefer no advertising for any programming on SBS, or at the very least, only between programs. But for children, there should definitely not be any advertising within its programs.

  • Helen Seamark

    SBS and ABC MUST be full funded

  • Margaret Hardy

    Children learn early so programs should be available on both channels, especially for international shows.

  • EBT

    ABC and SBS provide essential community services and quality Australian programs. I don’t see how the ABC and SBS can be seen as left leaning as they are both very conservative in my opinion, you might almost call the ABC the empire station while SBS represents the colonies :) Anyway, you cannot get more reliable TV or radio in Australia than ABC and SBS so please keep fighting against budget cuts and get funding back to what it used to be before Tony Disaster Abbot came to power – at least.

  • Cec McMah

    Showing children’s programmes should not be a problem. The problems occurs when SBS and the ABC are not funded as they should be. One should not, however, expect anything else form this boorish, oafish, philistine, public services hating, feeble excuse for a government. Uncensored quality children’s programmes are essential but they should not used to promote any social or political group’s personal agenda.

  • Tim Herring

    I am getting fed up with this stupid government vendetta against what they see as bias against them from public channels.
    The ABC and SBS are brilliant sets of channels, now forced to compete against much better resourced commercial channels and having to provide mobile, online, Internet, radio, regional radio – and now children’s programmes (brilliant idea btw) – and all at funding lower than 15 years ago.

    I say the politicians salaries should be 100% linked to 1999 funding to ABC and SBS. That should sort it!

  • Eva

    No advertising in children’s programmes, full stop. Children do not earn an income, therefore they aren’t able to spend on goods and services.

  • Ann M

    Children are, of course, very influenced by what they see on the screens and this includes ads. This should mean no ads in children’s programs. SBS is in an ideal position to air children’s to air programs that will embed tolerance and caring in children.

  • Ann C

    Children may have no income but they certainly have influence over those who do, ie, their parents. Just look at the placement of confectionary items at any supermarket checkout. No ads at all would be my preference.

  • Halina Rubin

    I don’t want our children and grandchildren to grow up under the influence of consumer culture.
    Both, SBS and ABC should be fully funded, especially the programs for children.

  • Bronwen Campbell

    No commercials. No sponsorship. Pay taxes (including Facebook). Provide high quality children’s programs on SBS

  • Kath Shelper

    Thalu! The power of storytelling. I watched it with my young niece and nephew and their parents. We all loved it and the kids were talking about it for days afterwards, asking questions, experiencing things they wouldn’t have otherwise. This type of children’s television is only possible with NITV/SBS and ABC.

  • Johanna McBride

    I strongly resent SBS requirement to show ads. It really interrupts to flow of a film or documentary and is a terrible handicap for a public broadcaster.

    I think it would be shocking to have children’s programs that are interrupted by commercials. What kind of values do we teach our children??!!

  • Yochai Glick

    Advertisements are not just a source of revenue. They are also a source of editorial pressure. Advertisements and independence are mutually contradictory, an oxymoron. Keep the ABC and SBS independent!

  • Pauline Bleach

    Kids ability to concentrate on a story and narrative is now mostly determined by the Commercial beaks that they experience. There should be really no Commercial breaks and TV programs should be designed to meet and stretch slightly the age groups ability to concentrate for appropriate amounts of time. If breaks are required, then the content should not be turning these kids into consumers or making them feel shit about themselves because they are not the unrealistic shiny happy family that TV always portrays. Breaks should be assisting them dealing with the world and building emotional and physical health and well-being. So you get to sponsor a program all you get is your logo on the lower right hand corner of break which involved maybe an explainer of news or a physical dance/challenge, or a ethical lesson e.g. what should Ted do? If TV is going to raise our kids lets do it right.

  • Liz Downes

    I totally agree that both ABC and SBS should be fully funded but in the current political and economic climate I can’t see any chance. Certainly childrens’ programs should be ad free (would love to see that on ALL channels!) Sometimes the old system in UK (maybe it still exists?) whereby anyone owning a TV (or radio for that matter) paid a “licence fee”, doesn’t seem so bad after all. The fees funded, or helped fund, the public broadcaster but of course today wth so many people accessing TV programs on devices other than the standard TV set, it’s unlikely to work – and TV salesmen would be out of a job.

  • Alexander de Vries

    SBS and ABC
    The ONLY two relevant television stations in Australia

  • M. Schuller

    SBS & the ABC are the most watched TV Stations in our Household. For reality and facts they are vital to all Australians. They must not be beholden to any private sponsorship and their funding must be maintained.

  • Claire West

    The suggestion to use ‘funds from the commercial and subscription TV sector . . . for the national broadcasters . . . to make children’s programs’ makes a lot of sense.

    Perhaps the commercial channels could be permitted to permanently suspend the broadcasting of children’s programming in exchange for delivering funding for public broadcasters to be sole providers as, presumably, the negative attitude to the delivery of content for children is as much about ‘inconvenience’ as it is about money.

  • Daniel Saks

    I only answered Agree to the second question because it didn’t have my preferred option – “no advertising at all ever”.

    Good luck to us all.

  • Ron E

    No advertising preferred but if necessary, should be restricted to between programs & to healthy foods, no gambling or dangerous/harmful goods or activities. Would major sponsors be prepared to pay with these restrictions?

  • chris Johnson

    Putting ads on/in children programs is child abuse of the worst form.
    Manipulation of their immature and uneducated brains by multi-million dollar ad campaigns created by by psychologists etc. is without doubt heinous child abuse.

    Apart from that, there should be no ads on either ABC or SBS. They should be well funded and free of political interference.

    In my opinion, the IPA and Murdoch’s campaign against them deserve gaol terms for the the purveyors of this extreme right wing ideology.

  • Jonathan

    I refused to answer the second question. On the matter of funding, the world has been economically lied to for 50-odd years: for a national government, like ours, that is monetarily sovereign and lets its currency float, there is no financial limit — only real resources limits (e.g. skilled labour or bags of cement or ecological limits). If the government tries to grow spending faster than real resources allow, there will be inflation but never insolvency. Taxes don’t fund a thing. They keep a lid on inflation. This is Modern Monetary Theory #MMT. Don’t let politicians lie to you!

  • Tony Guttmann

    I agree with Daniel Saks! Also, I find the number and frequency of ads on the regular programs excessively obtrusive. The political party that will restore funding to both SBS and ABC will get my vote!

  • Jan

    I couldn’t agree more John. I only watch SBS and ABC normally and sadly, much less often now watching the ABC where fresh Australian programs are now thin on the ground. Like you I have succumbed to a second hand BBC programme on a commercial station as I used to enjoy watching Escape to the Country while living in England and use my Mute button immediately the ads start here. The range of documentaries on SBS is so good that I spend more time watching those than anything else. Both the ABC and SBS are the kind of media we need and deserve and should be generously supported by any truly democratic government. Sadly that is a word which seems to be fading from the minds and behaviour of politicians.

  • Humphrey van Polanen Petel

    there should no advertising during children’s programs

  • Denis Quinn

    Fully fund SBS and ABC – no advertising. Australia’s economy has for years been dependent on strong immigration programs from which we all benefit. It is incumbent on Government to fully fund programs such as in SBS to ensure integration of new arrivals and promote a functioning multicultural society.

  • With so much being said about closing the gap in the welfare of First Nation people and the related need for their cultural life to be maintained and invigorated , against the background of government palaver leading to poor outcomes fully funding culturally focused children’s programs will achieve more than all the bureaucratic waste we have provided to date for no beneficial outcomes.

  • jenny smith

    If federal funding means they can regulate what is shown, then tightly controlled ADs are preferable.

  • Patricia Wood

    I only watch ABC and SBS and would prefer to see less/no advertising on both and more good Children’s programmes on SBS.

  • Jaspah

    Cannot respond to question 2. Should companies sponsor content, it should be done as a public service, with no advertising. (One advertising break in 30 minutes could mean anything – 15 minutes of ads/15 minutes content?)

  • Judith Williams

    Obviously you are preaching to the converted; here is another one.We VERY rarely look at anything else apart from ABC or SBS unless we are listening to one of the ABC stations on the radio! So well done and long may they both last.Of course, I, too, would prefer no ads., but realise……
    Interesting that SBS was started by a Liberal, but the Liberal Party is so slated in these comments.

  • Michael McGrath

    All advertising should be removed from SBS. Advertising is probably the most guilty party in our current environmental dilemma. Our children are being brainwashed into the ‘consume without ethics or consideration’ lifestyle that only fattens the pockets of vested interests to the detriment of society, our civilisation and what remains of our planet’s life-support system.

  • Coleen Giles

    I don’t agree that advertising should be required to fund SBS for children as I believe it should be well funded by the public purse. Just like the ABC should be without any cuts. If advertising is the last straw then it should be healthy advertising trying to convince children to eat properly and encourage them to know how important it is to eat the right foods and exercise. It could even teach them to grow food so they would be happy to eat what they grow. It would be an interesting way to teach them about food and even teach them some recipes and show them how to cook, of course with an adult to supervise.

  • Johanna

    Nothing else but the ABC and SBS are worth watching in this country. Everything possible must be done to allow those vital services to the community to continue fully funded.

  • Patricia

    SBS already has a lot of fantastic children’s shows including movies on the SBS Movies channel.
    I cannot imagine what type of advertising could be regarded as good for children.
    Is the requirement for children’s shows on SBS because the govt wants to drop ABC for Kids?

  • Judith Forster

    Two things. 1.it would be good if your ‘comments’ box was at the top of people’s comments, rather than the bottom. You are probably missing out on some; and
    2. I suppose you will factor in this survey result that most people Reading this email responding to the survey will be against advertising in children’s programming both on SBS and other channels. It’s probably a very skewed result.


  • alan chamings

    please,no fast food advertisements

  • Bruce Dudon

    The SBS is a very important part of the media, with its ability to help new comers to Australia or past immigrants who have contributed to this land and do not have a full command of the English language.
    However, they contribute to my well being because of their diversity and as such encourage me to take a greater part in our society.

    Because of my varied background, I appreciate their ways and this helps me to understand my background. My ancestral families are English, Scottish, French and German.

  • Katrina Stomann

    Children should not be subjected to advertising on TV, especially on either of the national broadcasters. It is an awful idea.

  • Jamie Crickmay

    SBS is a very important service for our household. Could not imagine a world without SBS. Children are the future of Australia, we must resource and teach them well for everyone’s benefit; great intelligent content is essential and I believe children should not be subject to any commercial advertising.

  • Roger Corben

    Like many Australians I listen and watch ABC and SBS TV, radio and other sources.
    Both are credible and Honest in there unbiased reporting.
    In times of bushfire, flood and other natural disasters the ABC is the only accessible and reliable source of what is happening both Nationally and on a very local level.
    The government should keep its hands off both the ABC and SBS they are paid for by the taxpayers and not swayed by politics on any side.
    Children should not be dragged into political point scoring.
    They get enough advertising from other sources and should not have to put up with it to watch children’s shows.

  • Sarah Day

    Children should not be targeted by advertisers. Especially on the national broadcsasting networks. The idea is highly unethical.

  • Christine

    We only ever watch SBS or ABC. Totally agree & support what everyone else has put forward.

  • Graham Trowse

    I cannot believe that you could possibly answer with any answer than YES

  • Frances Mackieson

    It is so important that Australian children from diverse backgrounds, many who speak English as a second language, have the opportunity to watch high quality programs on free to air television.
    Language development and educational programs about our multicultural communities will lead to a more literate population and to a more inclusive society.

  • Judy

    Great comments, totally agree. ABC and SBS the only channels to watch and should be totally funded and supported by government.

  • Vivienne Devine

    I only watch ABC and SBS.
    Both stations should be fully funded and advertisements the very minimal.
    The budget cuts are very distressing.
    I agree with the preceeding statements.

  • Philip Hewett

    It is ethically and morally wrong to advertise to children. Children’s brains are not sufficiently developed to critique advertising especially advertising that specifically targets them – a pernicious form of propaganda that uses the findings of psychological studies in order to take advantage of children mental immaturity. Children’s exposure to advertising is already far in excess of what should be considered acceptable in a our society. Children should not be subjected to even further market propaganda through dedicated programs designed especially for them. Children should have a fundamental right to achieve adulthood without having been irrevocably inculcated through propaganda (ie marketing/advertising) to a life of consumption.

  • Thomas Mautner

    There should be no advertisements close to any children’s programmes.

  • Once upon a time, I used to love SBS, and I still do for its news services. I also enjoy the movies. However, of late, I and many other SBS viewers feel insulted by the repetitions of ads and the number of ad breaks, especially in movies. Also, why repeat the same station promos over and over again? Many of the advertisers should never be on a ‘public’ broadcaster. Generally, SBS is losing much of its core support base – and not through viewers dying – which it cannot afford to do. Lift your game! (A producer/director for 30 years with ABCTV).

  • Lisa

    You can guarantee, that if you keep adding areas that depend on funding by ads the Lib/Nat govt will continue to cut funding, arguing SBS can fund itself.
    It’s a slippery slope and should be avoided, unless you want SBS to be turned into a commercial channel with programming deteriorating to the lowest common denominator due to the commercial imperative.

  • Pedro


  • The initial purpose of SBS was to provide programming for Non-English speaking communities with subtitles so that those who didn’t know the languages spoken could share in the program. It was hoped that this would lead to greater Non-English programming on commercial stations, once it was recognised that there was a wealth of quality television/movie making occurring around the World, and not just in a few English language countries.
    With many of these Non-English speaking communities working in a variety of occupations it was important that programming was available at normal afternoon and evening times. Sadly this aspect of SBS has been gradually, increasingly disrupted, with some Non-English language programming not happening till late into the night and some days past midnight, this is entirely unsatisfactory, and blatantly discriminatory.
    Again the commercial stations could have taken up the slack so to speak over the past few decades, shown some initiative, and recognised the diversity of population, but instead despite now gaining some multiple station outlets, rather than offer some Non-English programming it’s numerous repeats of programs and extra ads, sometimes up to ten ads per break. If they can’t make a profit and choose some more diverse programming under this new “ad” outbreak, something is wrong with their managers.
    And just recently we have seen the importance of SBS in informing Non-English language background communities in getting their information on the Covid-19 pandemic and what actions need to be taken for a safer community. Deplorably the government has not fully utilised SBS as an information service, a failure to recognise and support Australia’s diversity, and a failure to recognise the diversity of opportunity Non-English language background offer the future economy of Australia.
    SBS,ABC, and NITV are the only stations that recognise Australia’s multicultural diversity, sadly the government cannot see the advantages of empowering diverse Non-English background communities. As for the commercial stations, their apathy over diversity representation with their programming is reprehensible. Continued cuts by the Federal government to the essential services the public broadcasters provide is a National Disgrace.

  • Rhondda McLennan

    SBS and ABC Radio/TV channels should be fully funded by the Federal Govt. Children’s programs should not include commercials and do not do anything educational for children so therefore not needed. Both SBS and ABC belong to the people of Australia and the Federal Govt. should make every effort to fully fund and support them. They are the only two channels that are completely objective and should not be eroded by uncaring and selfish money grabbing politicians.

  • Phil Gorman

    SBS and ABC are the only broadcasters worth watching in Australia. They are the only trustworthy purveyors of news and current affairs. As public broadcasters both provide high quality programming and essential services. No public broadcaster should have to rely on advertising for its revenue as advertisers have vested interests which will inevitably exert undue influence on crucial decision making. It follows that all public broadcasting should be funded from indexed general revenue free from political or commercial interests. A fully independent funding body is therefore necessary.

  • SBS, just like the ABC, should be fully and adequately funded. (And I used to work in advertising!)

  • Nessy Allen

    The ABC and SBS are the only TV stations in Australia worth watching. It is a great shame that SBS was forced to rely for part of its funding on advertising. It is essential that both stations be fully funded by the Government. Only the ABC and SBS give factual information. They are public broadcasters and should be allowed to provide the public with reliable information. And children should not have their minds corrupted or influenced by content which they are too young to evaluate.

  • Stanley Hunter

    Everybody is entitled to free and open access to an unbiased media outlet like SBS.

  • Elisabeth Dark

    Both SBS and the ABC are essential cultural institutions and add to the diverse richness of this country’s communities. I watch them regularly. They should be fully funded so they can do their best, not steadily defunded.

  • Ken Hackin

    I believe children etc are well provided for on the good ol’ ABC. I see no need for the highly respected SBS to try to compete with Aunty!

  • Emily

    I can’t bring myself to answer the second question in the poll. That is how advertising on SBS started. It was meant to be much more regulated. I never watch SBS now, haven’t for years, except for Le Tour, and I use ad breaks then to go to the loo, get cuppas, stretch etc. and thus survive the three to four hours of wonderful cycling. Can’t stand any ads at all.

  • Julie Clark

    I only watch ABC and SBS. Unfortunately SBS is now becoming impossible to watch due to the frequency of the advertisements which interrupt programs and destroy enjoyment. Also SBS flashes new images at the viewer at such a rate to make me feel disorientated. I have counted a new image appearing every second in advertisements and even in ads for SBS programs. Where has this idea come from?

  • Julie Ho

    Television has been a babysitter since the Sesame street era and the best shows for kids were always on the ABC because their purpose was education, not selling products. Commercial television has never been appropriate for children because it’s so influenced by advertising, but today it’s even worse: more salacious fake reality programs than ever, in timeslots when children can watch them. Do we really want this to model human relationships? SBS could potentially help our kids to understand other languages, lifestyles and values and I reckon kids would love it.

  • Lee Seldon

    Ads yes – for community groups, charities or non-profit organisations. NO to ads which aim to make children or their parents spend money.

  • B

    I definitely do not in advertising. Ads are nothing but ways to hood wink the public about this, that and the other. Children are too you to realise what’s and ad or what is a fact. So NO advertising for children.

  • Richard

    Keep up the great work.SBS and the ABC must be
    Properly funded.

  • Sue Nevin-Taylor

    Both ABC and SBS should be publicly funded as they are the only TV stations worth watching. The advertising on SBS has spoiled it but, without public full public funding, that may be the only way to keep SBS functioning.

  • Mark P

    We only watch the ABC and SBS. Both should be fully funded. Advertising on SBS should be eliminated or severely cut back. It should not be placed anywhere near children’s programming. Memo to Scotty from Marketing: A cut is a cut, is a cut. I want my other 4c a day back please – with interest. Anyone else noticed the underfunding driven escalation in repeat broadcasts on Radio National? Very disappointing.

  • The reality of commercial media is that the commodity for sale is advertising space. To be competitive, the medium must maximise the audience. The inevitable means of doing this is to target the lowest common denominator. The consequence of this is a steady lowering of the bar.
    Surely the role of children’s television should be to raise educative and intellectual standards, rather than continue its palpable decline.

  • ABC and SBS should remain fully funded and ad free. The Govt. will not care about control of content however – based on their attitude to gambling advertising within the watershed everywhere else!!!

  • Jean McCulloch

    SBS should be fully funded and all advertising removed.

  • Jude Svensen

    SBS produces brilliant inspiring and educational programs which should definitely include kids’ programs funded by us, not ads. Programs can equip children for the challenges faced by them in society and could be seen as preventative measures to lower the rate of indigenous children facing the courts. Give them programs they can relate to and enjoy! 👏

  • Mike

    I agree that children’s content should be fully funded especially where it is targeted at socially disadvantaged groups.

    Children’s content can encourage positive role models, culture stories, learning and coping strategies.

    Adults in families also watch children’s content, and maybe it can be a means to enhance cultural pride and community belonging.

  • Bob Wittrien

    I believe that the ABC and SBS must remain free of advertising. This is essential in a democratic society.
    The value of these two organisations during times of emergencies has been invaluable. By their very nature commercial stations will not fulfill these functions.
    Also the ideology of the present government cannot support publicly owned broadcasting facilities.

  • Malcolm McKiggan

    Some 20 years ago as my wife and I toured the hill tribe areas of Thailand it was pointed out how each village was now being serviced by a single electricity wire that terminated at the chiefs hut. Along with the marvels of basic electricity and I mean very basic came a television set that was set up at the front of hut for village use. This was used to teach the children of the village the Thai language and make them bilingual and able to be further educated as they grew up. The Thai government understood the importance of multicultural integration within the broader society and realized that free to air learning was a cost effective way to progress this ideal. It reflects poorly on Australian Governments that pork barreling expenditures of taxpayers money for political gain is more important than education of our newer arrivals that will strengthen and enhance our nation. SBS should not only be fully funded as a national priority it should be expanded to support greater migrant adult education.

  • Monique

    In an ideal world I would love to see ABC and SBS fully funded by the government. However… I don’t mind limited advertising to help pay costs and keep quality of programming but it should be very regulated ie not during children’s programmes, short, spaced out in time (maybe twice an hour or once in a 1 1/2h programme). My favourite programmes are all on ABC and SBS

  • Jeanine

    Children are exposed to a huge amount of marketing, advertising and commercial manipulation in our society, and yet they do not have the ability to recognise and process it as such. That then places them in a vulnerable position to be influenced by all the negative connotations of that exposure. Those that watch commercial tv are also developing a shrinking concentration span owing to the constant interruptions that occur in programs due to the amount of advertising inserted throughout. Programs are splintered and fractured into grabs of no more than a few minutes, which doesn’t allow a narrative flow or require sustained focus. It is essential that the ABC and SBS provide an alternative to this – which means funding must come from non-advertising sources – and that also means quality children’s content must be included. We have to provide safe, relevant, quality program options for our children, and SBS has a vital role in catering for the diverse ethnic and cultural population in our society. It is obvious that SBS needs to have children’s content as well. This is a debate we shouldn’t even need to have.

  • Terry Keeling

    I rarely watch anything on commercial TV except for the occasional sports program. I would prefer all programs on SBS to be ad-free, especially if there were children’s programs. Ads would only be tolerable if they were grouped between programs in any event.

  • Lizzie Hill

    Our public broadcasters are the ONLY source of news, information, education and entertainment that are free from commercial, ideological and political influences. All Australians have a right and a need for them to remain so. This is fundamental to our civil society. It is particularly important that children be able to access education, information and entertainment that is uncontaminated and does not seek to manipulate their minds in somebody else’s interests. There should be NO advertising on the public broadcasters.

  • Josephine Moore

    Children should not be subjected to advertising. SBS should not need to have advertising during programs. Their news coverage is so good. It and the ABC should be funded so their brilliant programming and investigative journalism can continue. The CUTS, well, yes minister, they are cuts. It is quite sinister the continued insistence by both the Prime minister and the Minister “their are no cuts”. The ABC is amazing, I just love it. It is an Alladins cave of wonders. Programming via the radio covering such a diversity of topics, books, politics, music, world news, science, economics, the environment…etcetera. Funding should be restored so we continue to have access to trusted unbiased sources of information.

  • Karin Turner

    The comments above are almost unanimous in supporting our wonderful ABC, and continued ad’ free TV. The same should apply to SBS children’s TV should if it eventuates.

    Imagine life without a ‘Remote’, when the occasional commercial channel is worth watching?

  • Susana Depetris

    If the government considers that children’s programs have to be part of the SBS mix, they should provide the funding. I personally don’t see the need, as we already have great children’s content on the ABC.
    Public broadcasters should be ad free and get properly funded by the government.

  • Catherine Bevan

    Totally agree. Only SBS and ABC for me!

  • Laurie Comerford

    Children of the age to whom children’s programs are addressed are far too young to be subjected to advertising. A government which cares for its community would fully fund programming on SBS as well as the ABC

  • Veronika

    I only watch ABC and SBS and loathe ads. I think both stations should be funded without ads. Children should not have to be subjected to ads either. The ads are a tedious waste of time.

  • Pam

    It will be a great day if our government starts to fund ABC & SBS at a reasonable level, everyone benefits from intelligent well informed programs, which are only found on the publicly funded broadcasters. Advertising should not be a consideration.

  • Michelle

    I only watch SBS and the ABC as they are the most reputable source of news and other programs.

    Please increase government funding for both of them, and it would be wonderful if SBS joined the ABC in having fully funded programs for kids (Having quality programs in different languages would be wonderful!)

  • ruth muir

    It would be a wonderful addition to SBS to have an appropriate carefully monitored series of programs for children, both indigenous, newcomers and children from every corner of our country. It should be fully funded and readily available to all, with a guarantee of excellent results for the whole community. Remember that the prospective audience is our country’s future!

  • Lynne

    It goes without saying children should not be exposed to advertising, it is distracting and to very young children also confusing. It’s simple, just fund our public broadcasters to provide a good quality and politically independent service . The proper functioning of our democracy depends on it.

  • Errol Blakiston

    Commercial free to air TV: Seems the vast bulk of programming is aimed at a relatively low IQ – I object to being insulted and then having advertising blasted at me every few minutes.

    A FULLY FUNDED ABC & SBS are essential – let’s face it, commercial TV – why would I?

    Further, commercial news services? Really, they call that a news service?

    And then we have the likes of Sky News…..

  • I am a viewer of ABC and SBS programs as they provide the most reliable and trustworthy coverage of events through current affairs and news services. Between these wonderful broadcasters a truly multicultural programming is readily available for viewers. Both these service providers should not have to be forced to a reliance on advertising monies to make up the ever increasing shortfall in the budgets available to keep these broadcaster able to be up to date in not only content but the expectations expected through on demand, live streaming, and interactive programming.

  • Julia

    Full funding for the ABC and SBS are essential for independence, diversity, education and ad-free entertainment.

  • Robyn O'Bryan

    The ABC and SBS are vital services for Australians – we must stop being such apathetic citizens and demand that these two services are fully funded from the public purse – we can afford it and truly need to extend SBS into further multicultural and children’s entertainment.

  • Michael Harvey

    Life simply would not be worth living if there were no ABC or SBS. Commercial TV is torture.

  • Cas and Chris O'Neill

    The ABC and SBS offer such a wonderful service to all Australians, with reliable news, interesting documentaries and enjoyable series and films, local and overseas. They reflect the many facets of who we are and what we think.

    They provide a truly public service which needs to be fully funded by the government (i.e. all of us) with no advertising. However, if advertising is strictly necessary due to limited funding, then there should NOT be any advertising during children’s programs.

  • I don’t believe that SBS should get involved. The ABC do a plethora of children’s programs and of course their whole operations are in jeopardy.
    Support the ABC in their children’s programs. They are already experts in that field.
    I enjoy my SBS and don’t want it sidetracked from their operations. SBS will also be struggling for funding so don’t be distracted by trying to do programming you have never done before. It’s horses for courses. For those of us that support both SBS and the ABC need to stay focussed on what each one does best.

  • Geraldine Bate

    Why oh why must ‘the powers’ make these decisions? Keep it light, make us laugh, and take off the pressure. Please!

  • Jack Amala

    SBS should be fully funded to make multicultural television programs for children, as should the ABC. There should not be ANY advertising during children’s programs, for all the reasons that others have mentioned. It breaks the flow of a story and scatters their brains, and most ads are loud, invasive and selling products that are helping to destroy the Planet..eg those dreadful fast car ads!, Harvey Norman etc. Ads are muted where I live, or I switch to the ABC, sometimes don’t switch back. It’s annoying to switch from SBS1 to 2 to 3, and find ads occurring at the same time. NITV is wonderful and I watch it a lot. SBS Movies is wonderful. ABC and SBS have been my primary viewing for 4 months of lockdown.

  • Felicite Ross

    We love SBS and ABC and never watch commercial stations even for the occasional interesting programme one may find there.
    Both need to be supported by the Australian tax payer for the benefit of all Australians and SBS should never have been forced to supplement its funding with ads. Certainly no children’s programmes should be associated with ads.

  • Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo

    As does one of the other respondents, I also only watch SBS and ABC (though the latter less and less so these days). I love NITV. Lots to learn, lots to enjoy, lots to be moved by. I also enjoy many of the programs on the main SBS channel and some on the food channel, and the streaming service.
    My answer to limiting the amount of advertising on children’s tv was ‘yes’, but really, there should be none and no need to finance SBS this way. Indeed, on SBS, as on the ABC, there should be no commercial advertising. As it is, self advertising is intrusive enough, sledge hammer-like in its persistence; commercial advertising on top of that is an affront.
    If government spent less on the machinery of war and ‘security’, there might be enough money in the coffers to pay for the arts, which includes, in my book, the two national broadcasters — television and radio.
    In the meantime, more power to your elbow, and best wishes,

  • Paul

    Watching the football on Channel 9 the other night while on holidays, the advertised start time was 7:30pm, though that’s when the promos and ads started. Thirty plus minutes later (I think it was actually 40mins) the football coverage began. It reminded me of why I don’t normally watch commercial TV.

    I’m afraid that SBS has become much the same. Now they’re coming for the ABC. See also Murdoch and in my view his henchman Paul Fletcher, aided and abetted by I believe Liberal Party supporter David Speers.

  • Carolyn Bockos

    SBS presents another opportunity to nurture our indigenous and multicultural kids by producing programs that are meaningful to them and their circumstances. I don’t like the idea of ads because they can make families who can’t afford a lot of the things advertisers will try to convince them them need, feel marginalized. The UK 30 minute program time between ads could work if the ads are vetted. On the other side of the coin, I can imagine that in no time at all, pressure would be exerted to increase those ads times.


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