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No advertising on SBS Your Submission To Government

Make a submission to government today

Following our recent eNewsLetter of a couple of weeks ago Save Our SBS has received enquiries from many people who would like some assistance in making a submission to the public enquiry into SBS. The feedback to us is that the Minister’s 36 page background discussion paper is too long and the Department’s website for submissions difficult to navigate through. Many are overwhelmed and at a loss to know what to say or where to begin. Our supporters have asked us to show a sample submission. As a result, we have taken the very unusual step of issuing another eNewsLetter now.

We urge you to look now at our sample submission at: http://sample.saveoursbs.org/  

You can use any, all, or none of our sample, for your own submission.

It would be highly desirable to write your own submission in your own words if you can. No more than 1000 words are allowed.

If you have limited time, better to make a submission rather than no submission. If this is the case, you are very welcome to use our sample submission as your own, or you can delete any part of it, or change the sections in ours that you do not want. It is up to you. Whatever you do, please make a submission. Make it today. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Begin at  http://sample.saveoursbs.org/  

Please act now.

Submissions close 4pm AEDT on 12 December 2008.

Save Our SBS will make a submission about SBS too. Ours will be a bit more detailed than the sample at http://sample.saveoursbs.org/ and we will publish a copy of it on www.SaveOurSBS.org in mid December.

Thankyou for supporting our cause to restore and save SBS.

eNewsLetter No 5 Save Our SBS


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