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Greens to ban ads & increase SBS funding

Following our last eNewsLetter we’ve been asked: Who will ban advertising on SBS and increase funding?

The Greens are the only party that have an SBS policy that would resolve the number one issue that many have wanted for a long time; no more commercial breaks in programs on SBS-TV coupled with more funding. SaveOurSBS.org supports that position. No other party has expressed such a policy to us.

On Monday, the ALP replied en masse to many about SBS. As a result we’ve taken the unusual step of sending you this eNewsLetter (two in the same week) because we are concerned that the Labor party email that you may have received, was, in our opinion, an attempt to neutralise the SBS advertising and funding issues. People contacting us have expressed the view that the ALP email endeavoured to “confuse people with volumes of irrelevant data” as it quoted “a heap of facts and figures and blamed SBS management” and “the simple, unrefutable point is if government had continued full funding, SBS would not need to advertise”. Despite more than 12,000 emails being sent from visitors to the SaveOurSBS.org site, Labor has not offered any further funding for SBS nor a plan to phase out advertising on SBS.

The Greens policy is that funding for SBS should be increased and they have a Bill that would prohibit advertising disruptions on SBS. Labor has no such position. The Liberal and National parties refuse to state their SBS policies to us but unconfirmed reports are that some senior people in the Opposition would like to slash SBS funding, may fully commercialise it and possibly sell it.

Some parties agreed to be interviewed by us and the interviews are published in full at SaveOurSBS.org along with our analysis. They are worth reading before Saturday’s election to find out what will happen to SBS, depending on who is elected. It is our view that only the Greens have announced an SBS policy that we favour. Browse SaveOurSBS.org for more information and remember to return regularly to find out what is going on, even after the election, as we are not always able to send updates. Often, you can leave a comment at the end of a post below other comments.

Keeping you informed, with thanks from all the team at SaveOurSBS.org

This is eNewsLetter No 13 from Save Our SBS Inc (SaveOurSBS.org).

In the public interest we have reported the above as fair comment and expressed our opinion.

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