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Industrial Issues At SBS

The purpose of this Category is to report on industrial issues that may affect staff at SBS. If what you want to say is not really an industrial matter, please look at placing your blog in another Category where it may be more appropriate. Although Save Our SBS is not aligned with any political party or group we do however support organised, collective bargaining and believe that all employees ought to be treated fairly and with respect.

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What are the industrial issues affecting SBS? Are there any industrial issues that are peculiar to SBS since SBS decided to go down the commercial path, since SBS-TV began interrupting programs for ad breaks? Are there other industrial issues at SBS?

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1 comment to Industrial Issues At SBS

  • Save Our SBS

    The Kostakidis departure has highlighted some of the serious problems at SBS that have had a direct effect on SBS employees. It also brought to the attention of the wider community the attitude of Shaun Brown, Managing Director of SBS and that of the SBS Board. On 24 August 2007, the Community & Public Sector Union, the union that represents a vast number commonwealth public servants and employees in other sectors, published on their internet site the outcome of a CPSU meeting that was held in response to recent events at SBS. The union’s internet site reported that meeting of CPSU members called for the following:

    1. For members to affirm your commitment to the SBS Charter.

    2. To affirm your commitment to pursuing and preserving the independence and integrity of Australia’s only multicultural broadcaster.

    3. And to affirm the SBS values of “open discussion and constructive debate” and the “fostering of honest, trusting and mutually respectful relationships” AND commit to provide industrial support to any staff member who may be bullied, intimidated, silenced or marginalised for practicing these values at SBS.

    The union called on “SBS management and the SBS Board to spell out how they will reverse the changes that have taken place at SBS over the past several years which have actively inhibited the realization of these values of openness and constructive debate“. They called on “SBS to demonstrate to staff how these new “purposes and values” will be met in a truly meaningful way at SBS“.

    And the CPSU also called on “all SBS employees to join the campaign to Save our SBS and to encourage their friends, family and work colleagues to do the same. Go to https://www.saveoursbs.org” concluded the CPSU internet site report. The full story from the CPSU site can be read on the CPSU web site.

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