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Proxy form

– Save Our SBS Inc (A0051182D).
– This proxy form only applies to Full Members whose membership fees are fully paid and up-to-date.
– This form should not be completed by an Associate Member.

Members, use this form if you are unable to attend a general meeting.

Please confirm the following contact ID information about yourself:

You may appoint either the Chair of the meeting OR a Full Member with membership fees fully paid & up-to-date.

as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the next^ general meeting and at any adjournment of that meeting.

^ this means a general meeting to be held within one month of receipt of this proxy form
Save Our SBS Inc Rules 2013 (as amended 2016)
– rule 13(2) determines who is entitled to vote at a general meeting;
– proxies are appointed under rule 34;
– rule 34(7) requires this form once completed must be received by Save Our SBS Inc no later than 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting;
– rule 36 provides for a proxy to be included in the count to determine if a quorum is present.