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Easy English news

SBS have a daily news bulletin for new English speakers — SBS News in Easy English. It is a great initiative.

Bulletins of SBS News in Easy English are read slowly using simplified language and run five minutes.

Content mostly focuses on Australian news and the text of each bulletin is available on the web, app, or whatever plateform is used to listen.

The idea of news in easy English is not new. In radio’s hey-day, all the big broadcasters ran ‘news in simple English’. They were common on short-wave stations and the bulletins were read very slowly without any newsbites. However, SBS inserts into their ‘easy’ bulletins, short newsbites. The newsbites are often spoken by fast talkers and may be difficult for those whose first language is not English.

SBS Director of News and Current Affairs, Mandi Wicks, said, “SBS’s purpose is to encourage social cohesion within Australia. SBS provides balanced and impartial news and information in 63 languages.”

The podcast series is inclusive and informative for those who might be learning English.

Bulletins of SBS News in Easy English will drop each weekday at 1pm Sydney time.

SBS News in Easy English may be heard on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, via the SBS Radio app and the SBS News radio website. Listeners can subscribe at no cost to stay up-to-date.

Listen to SBS News in Easy English


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