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SBS multilingual coronavirus portal

SBS have launched a multilingual coronavirus portal.

The content is produced by SBS Radio and SBS News.

Save Our SBS President, Steve Aujard said, “SBS is the only Australian media outlet with information about COVID-19 in more than 60 languages. In this coronavirus era, many people whose first language is not English need SBS.

“The portal site provides a single place where anyone who speaks a language other than English can get the latest updates about the virus. An information sheet available in multiple languages explains how COVID-19 is spread, symptoms of the illness, what to do, isolation, distancing, testing, treatments, and more. It covers non-health topics too, like who is eligible for the government coronavirus financial supplement and how to access that.”

Director of SBS’s Audio and Language Content, Mandi Wicks, said: “Reaching those who speak a language other than English with vital public health information is essential to saving lives, and SBS plays a unique and critical role in keeping communities informed during challenging and uncertain times. It has never been more important to ensure Australians are getting the information they need to protect themselves and their communities as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

“The SBS coronavirus multilingual portal provides a central hub and go-to source for people to access accurate news and information they can trust, and stay informed with the latest must-know updates about COVID-19 in their language. It also provides easy access to unique coverage of the impacts and issues being faced by different communities, as well as positive stories of resilience in communities that are important at a time like this.

“As events have unfolded, SBS has been providing comprehensive coverage in more than 60 languages across our radio services, in addition to news in English from Australia and around the world. We’re seeing more Australians turn to SBS as they seek information they can trust about issues affecting their communities,” she concluded.

A spokesperson for SBS said its language services had experienced a significant growth in the past few weeks.

Steve Aujard commented, “The recent flurry to SBS is reminiscent of how SBS Radio began in the 1970’s, then with the introduction of Medibank – now Medicare – and migrant communities reaching out for reliable and accurate information in their language.” 

Compared to just over a month ago, daily visitors to SBS Radio language websites have increased 70 per cent1, and installations of the SBS Radio app have more than doubled2. The SBS Mandarin service has experienced an 89 per cent increase in daily visitors to its website 3, and the SBS Korean service is up 209 per cent compared to its daily average4.

SBS’s multilingual coronavirus portal can be accessed at sbs.com.au/coronavirus.


1. Adobe Analytics, Australian Unique Visitors. 14 February — 12 March 2020 and 18 — 24 March 2020.
2. Adobe Analytics, First Launches. 14 February — 12 March 2020 and 18 — 24 March 2020.
3. Adobe Analytics, Australian Unique Visitors. 14 February — 12 March 2020 and 18 — 24 March 2020.
Adobe Analytics, Australian Unique Visitors. 14 February — 12 March 2020 and 18 — 24 March 2020.


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