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Regular Writers For SOSBS

In this section you can read material written by Contributors. Contributors usually write more detailed articles than other ‘bloggers’. Some may write on a regular basis. No one is paid to write for SOSBS.

Most Contributors write elsewhere and are invited by SOSBS to do so here. If you are a writer and would like to become a regular Contributor, please let us know via email on the ‘Contact Us’ page. Generally you need to have had at least one article published elsewhere or written Comments and had your Comments published as a Post on SOSBS.

Comments are below.


A Comment may or may not be published for others to read. To write a Comment about a Post you first need to Login. To Login you need to be registered which you do by first clicking on the Register link in the far right column. You need to give your correct email address as a Password will be emailed to you so that when you return here, you are able to Login (and write your comment for publication below). During the registration process you will be asked for a Username. Your Username will be published as your ‘by-line’ if your comment is published. This site is moderated so there will be a delay before your Comment is published as a Post. We may also edit any contributions or not publish some at all.

To become a regular Contributor, please send us an email (via the ‘Contact Us’ page) after you have a Username and have been issued with a Password.

Any work you submit will be taken as approval by you to publish that as your opinion about this topic on SaveOurSBS.org unless you specifically state that it is not to be published.

There is no cost to register or write a post. There is no payment for any material you submit for publication on SaveOurSBS.org


To read what SOSBS Contributors have written, see lower down this screen.

Please submit any material that you write in English only.



Sign the petition to protect SBS, stop the ads and maintain our multicultural public broadcaster funded fully by government. Click http://petition.saveoursbs.org and wait while you are redirected to the petition server.






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