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Minister asked to limit gambling ads on SBS

Today, Independent MP Andrew Wilkie and Senator Nick Xenophon gave notice of a joint motion calling on the Minister for Communications Senator Mitch Fifield to limit gambling advertisements on SBS.

The motion comes on the back of SBS broadcasting Sportsbet ads in the mid-year UEFA Cup.

In July, Save Our SBS called for a total ban of all betting and gambling advertisements on SBS.

In a statement Mr Wilkie said, “The new Parliament presents a perfect opportunity to finally achieve meaningful gambling reform and we’re starting with tackling gambling advertising. . . People are sick and tired of wall-to-wall gambling advertising and it’s beyond time for the Government to stand up to the industry and do something about it.”

Gambling increased by more than 30% in 2014-15 compared to the previous year and more than $800m was lost by Australians on legal sports betting.

The joint motion seeks to ban gambling advertising during sports broadcasts by an amendment to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, and a ministerial directive to SBS under section 11 of the SBS Act 1991 to limit the amount of such advertising.

The full motion is here.

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