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Ensuring SBS’s survival without commercial breaks: Email your politicians here

After five years and multiple campaigns to end in-program commercial breaks disrupting SBS television programs, a Bill has been introduced into the Parliament that would achieve that, if passed. But the private Bill will only become law if several thousand people continue campaigning by writing to the Minister and Shadow Minister demanding they vote in favour of the Bill. An email to Senator Conroy at minister@dbcde.gov.au and a separate one to Malcolm.Turnbull.MP@aph.gov.au in your own words is needed saying why you do not want commercial breaks disrupting SBS-TV programs, and why you want this Bill to pass.

Don’t be anonymous. Any email to a politician is only noted if the senders name and postal address is included in the email.

Additional emails to all government Senators and government MPs will also help. Now is the time to write. Tell your friends too >

If the bill fails to become law, the future of SBS is uncertain.

Not only would in-program disruptions be phased out by 2016 if the Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Natural Program Breaks and Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2012 passes into law, but increased funding of SBS would be likely.

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