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SBS parliamentary friendship group

Three Parliamentarians from opposing sides have united to form a new Parliamentary Friends of group. This one is for SBS. There are many Parliamentary Friends of groups – in our Federal Parliament, but never before has there been one for the SBS.

The group is the joint initiative of Steve Georganas (Labor Member for Hindmarsh), Senator Scott Ludlam (Greens Senator for Western Australia), and, Paul Fletcher (Liberal Member for Bradfield).

In a statement the group said “SBS stands alone as Australia’s Multicultural and Multilingual Broadcaster and for many years has played a vital role in the Australian media and society. In a challenging and rapidly changing media environment this role is, more than ever, critical in maintaining and promoting a cohesive Australian society”.

The official launch date of the group: 11 October – attended by the SBS Board and Management as well as special guests from SBS television, and their Parliamentary friends.

The primary goal of the friendship group is to raise awareness among Parliamentarians of SBS and its potential for the future. It’s a group supportive of SBS – for Parliamentarians. The group will meet occasionally and receive briefings on SBS issues and initiatives.

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