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No Advertisements OR Sponsorship on SBS: petition

What does the petition say?

A preview copy of the No Ads on SBS petition is below.

You can still sign this petition until it is presented to the Minister in 2008Read then click here to sign. 

To The Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts,

No Advertisements OR Sponsorship on SBS

I appreciate the important role that SBS plays in Australian life as our valued public broadcaster, that reflects and enriches Australia’s diversity and multicultural society.

However I am furious at SBS’s decision of 2006 to reinterpret the Special Broadcasting Service Act (1991) and interrupt programs for advertisements. Previously advertisements were between programs only.

SBS has now redefined the concept of “natural program breaks” referred to in the Act and is forcing breaks into programs for advertisements (& promos), which is contrary to the spirit of public broadcasting, if not the Act itself. I consider that advertisement interruptions into program are not natural; are not part of the Charter of SBS; and, ultimately will compromise the unique and independent character of SBS.

I urge you to immediately require that:-

1) The SBS Board cease disrupting all programs for advertisements.

Furthermore, I call on you to protect the integrity and independence of SBS from government and commercial influence by:-

2) Amending the SBS Act to prohibit advertising and sponsorship on SBS;

3) Fully funding SBS so it is not dependent on commercial revenue nor supplementation from advertising; and,

4) Introducing a new system of appointments to the SBS Board that will result in Board members being appointed on the basis of merit with a strong commitment to multiculturalism and SBS independence, and, that the Board is independent from the government of the day and commercial influence.

I value SBS and do not want it to broadcast advertisements at all.

Please let me know what your government will do about the matters I have raised.

Yours Faithfully,

To sign the petition click here and wait while you are automatically redirected to the petition server which is located at  http://petition.saveoursbs.org. 

It is anticipated that the petition will be submitted to the Minister in 2008. The petition will remain active until that time.  You can still sign this petition.   Results of the petition will be posted below.  

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