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Minister responds to petition

The Minister responsible for SBS, Senator Stephen Conroy wrote to Save Our SBS on 26 August 2008 in response to the petition that we gave to his staff on 8 April 2008. Senator Conroy apologised for his late reply and wrote.

SBS is one of Australia’s most important public institutions.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of its role as a national public broadcaster, catering for diverse interests in the Australian community and reflecting Australia’s culturally diverse society. Issues of funding and independence are crucial to

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SBS funding for 2009-2012

SBS Triennial Funding Submission (for 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012)

as proposed by Save Our SBS Inc

submitted to Senator Stephen Conroy 5 August 2008

SBS funding for the next triennium – Executive Summary

By any reasonable measure the Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (SBS) has been under funded.

SBS total revenue (for both its radio and television services) is less than one fifth of the average commercial television station in Australia. The SBS receives about one quarter of the funding that the ABC receives from government and the total combined public funding for both broadcasters is less than half

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